While most of us are just getting our Halloween decorations put away, members of the Laveen Education Foundation already are wearing their winter thinking caps because it’s almost time for the Third Annual Winter Festival.
This year’s festival is scheduled for 5-8 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 9 at the Laveen Education Center, 5001 W. Dobbins Road.
As it has for the past two years, the festival will feature games, activities, student performances, photo opportunities, holiday gift vendors and food. All the proceeds from the community wide gathering will benefit the Laveen Education Foundation, which provides college scholarships for local students.
Kristen Landry, a spokeswoman for the Laveen Elementary School District, entertainment will include a number of student performances such as bands, orchestras, guitar ensembles and choirs from each of the district’s schools as well as Ballet Folklorico dancers and Third Common.
“This is a great community event. We have entertainment, food, games, activities, prizes, and vendors,” Landry said. “There really is something for everyone. Everyone is invited, even if you don’t have children in Laveen’s schools.”
Landry said the foundation has vendors for the following in place:
- Photo Booth
- Clay Charms
- Party Supplies
- Candles
- Soap
- Jewelry
- Navajo Jewelry
Interested vendors should contact Joe Roselle, director of community partners and grants for the district at jroselle@laveeneld.org or by phone at 602-237-9100.
Laveen’s 10th Annual Turkey Trot & Kids Dash
This year marks the 10th for the Thanksgiving Day event in Laveen and organizers have come up with some new incentives to get us off the couch and taking part in the 5K by either walking or running the timed race.
Prior to the 5K is a 1 mile fun walk and a Kids Dash, another Laveen tradition.
Riverbend Prep Academy, a small charter school in Laveen, and the nonprofit Laveen Community Council are hosts for the event, which will begin and end on the track at Cesar Chavez High School Stadium. The route will wind through beautiful Cesar Chavez Park where runners can enjoy the beautiful views. The 1 mile run also will begin and end on the track.
The Free Kids Dash will take place on the football field in the middle of the track and while it is free, all parents must register their child beginning at 7 a.m. on the day of the race.
Proceeds from the 5K will go the Laveen Community Council and Riverbend Prep Academy’s Health/Fitness initiative.
Registration is open with early bird incentives: $25 for the 5K and $10 for the 1-mile run. Prices go to $40 and $20, respectively, on race day. Register online at www.laveenturkeytrot.com
or in person at Riverbend, 5625 S. 51st Ave. Laveen, AZ 85339
Participants in the 5K will receive get an event bib and chip timer, T-shirt, medals for top 3 finishers in each age group, finisher’s ribbon, post-race “runners brunch” of bagels, fruit, water, real time Results and access to training materials and support.